
Neuheiten / Epoxy Resin set - Doming SILHOUETTE

Epoxy Resin set - Doming SILHOUETTE

(Artikelnr: EPOXY-SET)
Bijvulling Epoxy hars - Doming SILHOUETTE
Epoxy Resin set - Doming SILHOUETTE

The Epoxy Resin Set allows up to continue to create custom domed sticker projects. you with an easy-to-use method of creating your own domed sticker projects. 

The epoxy resin set includes:

  • 1 'A' bottle epoxy resin (2 fl oz)
  • 1 'B' bottle epoxy resin (2 fl oz)
  • 1 mixing syringe (with two 0.5 fl oz chambers - holds total of 1 fl oz of mixed epoxy resin)
  • 3 syringe tips



€ 19,99 *

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