
Neuheiten / FiberPlus A4 - Flock Sublimation

FiberPlus A4 - Flock Sublimation

(Artikelnr: SWFPLUSA4)
FiberPlus Sublimatie FiberPlus Sublimatie
FiberPlus Sublimatie FiberPlus Sublimatie

FiberPlus is a heat sealable flock-film for Sublimation printing. 
FiberPlus uses an exclusive polyester microfiber, and 100% polyurethane resins. FiberPlus has an excellent washing fastness (up to 60°C - 140°F), is very light and stretchable, and gives outstanding printing results.

  • Waterbased PU 
  • Thickness: 400μ 
  • Fastness: 60°C 
  • Printable with Sublimation
  • Transfer Temperature: 160-170°C
  • Transfer Time: 15-17 seconds 
  • Pressure: Medium

Suitable for standard textiles

-> The FiberPlus is transferred in 2 steps:

  • First you print the design on your sublimation paper.
  • Then you transfer your sublimation paper to the FiberPlus.
A4 format

Unit = sheets



€ 1,60 *

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