
Vinyl / Printbare Vinyl & Stickers / Glossy Varnish Odif 21

(Artikelnr: 43212)
€ 7,20*
Preis pro StĂĽck
Anzahl: Kaufen
Glossy Varnish Odif 21
  • Clear Finishing Varnish
  • Sealed and protects your creations: collages, paintings, drawings, wood, jewelry, etc.
  • Acid-free
  • Does not stain, good scratch resistance and high covering power.
  • Can be used on: Paper, wood, cardboard, metal & aluminum, paint, polystyrene, porcelain, pottery, canvas, glass




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€ 7,20 *
Preis pro StĂĽck
Anzahl: Kaufen

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