
Neuheiten / Master Layouts 5 Die Set - Gina K Designs

(Artikelnr: DIE0156)
€ 31,45*
Preis pro StĂĽck
Anzahl: Kaufen
Master Layouts 5 Die Set - Gina K Designs

Master Layouts 5 is the fifth set in a series of card layout templates. These dies will help you cut perfect layers for front panels for A5 cards.


Our dies are compatible with your favorite die cutting machine.  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific machine for cutting wafer thin dies.   Gina K Designs dies are lead free and non-toxic.  

Measurements in inches:
Larger Rectangle: 3.25" x 4.4"
Window- 2.35" x 3.75"
Stitched Circle- 1.9"
Zig Zag Circle- 2"
Stitched Triangle- 3.35" x 3.3"
Plain Circle- 2"
Small Stitched Flag- 1" x 1.25"
Long Stitched Flag- 2.7" x .95"



€ 31,45 *
Preis pro StĂĽck
Anzahl: Kaufen

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