
Mod Podge Matte

Mod Podge Mat
Mod Podge Matte
Mod Podge Matte 473ml Mod Podge can be used as an all-in-one glue, a sealer or as a finish. It is a quick-drying solution! It can be used for a smooth finish and can easily be cleaned...



€ 13,99 *
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Mod Podge Matte 473ml

Mod Podge can be used as an all-in-one glue, a sealer or as a finish.
It is a quick-drying solution! It can be used for a smooth finish and can easily be cleaned with soap and water while it is still wet.

Can be applied with a brush, foambrush or by hand.
Let your project dry for 24 hours.

Water based.
Not toxic, can therefore be used by children.



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