
Neuheiten / Vinyl - Party Time Brights Sampler CRICUT

(Artikelnr: 2004610)
€ 16,50* € 13,20*
Preis pro StĂĽck
Anzahl: Kaufen
Vinyl - Party Time Brights Sampler - CRICUT
  • 6 sheets of 30,5cm x 30,5cm (3 patterns, 2 sheets each)
  • Removable, matte vinyl
  • Fun to mix and match for one-of-a-kind projects 
  • Easy to weed, effortless to apply 
  • Ideal for making easily removable decals, labels, window decor, and more



€ 16,50*
€ 13,20 *
Preis pro StĂĽck
Anzahl: Kaufen

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